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JNTUH B.Pharm 2-2/3-2 Sem 2nd Mid Exam Time Table 2021

JNTUH B.Pharmacy II-Mid Exam Time Table July 2021: JNTUH Released the Mid exam time Table for 2-2/3-2 Semesters. Here we Updated the JNTUH B.Pharmacy...

JNTUH B.Tech/B.Pharmacy 2-2 Semester 2nd Mid Exam Time Table 2023

JNTUH 2-2 Sem 2nd Mid Exam Time Table 2023: JNTUH released the JNTUH B.tech 2-2 Semester R18 Regulation 2nd Mid Exam timetables, JNTUH B.Pharmacy...

JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 Sem Exam Time Table September/October 2023

JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 Sem Exam Time Table 2023: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad is going to Conduct the JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 Semester R18 regulation regular...

JNTUH 2-2 Sem CBT Exam Time Table October 2023 OUT

JNTUH CBT Exam Time Table: JNTUH has released the CBT test timetable for  JNTUH B.Tech/ B.Pharm 2-2 Sem Semester Regular CBT Exam Time Tables October...

JNTUH B.Pharmacy 2-2 Sem Exams Time Table 2023 – OUT

JNTUH B.Pharm 2-2 Sem Exam Time Table 2023: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad B.Pharm 2-2 (R17, R16) regulation Regular/supply Exam Time Table 2023. So...

JNTUH 2-1, 2-2 Sem Exam Center Preferences Request Aug 2022 – OUT

JNTUH Jumbling Exam Centers Preferences 2022: JNTU Hyderabad is going to conduct the exams for B.Tech/B.Pharmacy 2-1, 2-2 Semester of regular /Supply Exams. For...
Jntuh Updates

JNTUH B.Pharm 3-2 Sem Rv/Rc Results 2023 – OUT

JNTUH B.Pharmacy 3-2 Sem Rc/Rv Results 2023: JNTU Hyderabad has released JNTUH B.Pharmacy 3-2 Sem Regular & Supply Results 2023. Those who are not...

JNTUH Academic Calendar 2023 – UG/PG Courses PDF

JNTUH Academic Calendar 2023: JNTU Hyderabad Academic Calendars  For B.tech, B.Pharmacy, M.B.A, M.C.A, M.tech, M.Pharmacy. So here you can find B. Tech, B.pharmacy, MBA,...
jntuh exams timetable

JNTUH M.Tech/M.Pharm 4th Sem Exam TimeTables 2022

JNTUH M.Tech Regular & Supply Exam TimeTables April 2022: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad (JNTUH) is conducting the  JNTUH M.Tech 4th Sem R19/R17/ R15/ R13...

JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 (R16,R15,R13,R09) Supply Results – Dec, 2018

JNTUH B.Tech 2-2 (R16,R15,R13,R09) Supply Results: Here JNTUH has released the JNTUH 2-2 B.tech Supply Results 2018. Students can now check the JNTUH B.tech...